
Showing posts from November 9, 2014

Did you resolve to do better with your money this year? By Monique Caradine

For many of the women entrepreneurs I’ve talked to recently, this was their number one resolution.  Some  had survived really tough times last year while others just wanted to take their money up a notch.  Either way, change is good.  So here are 6 simple yet powerful money habits that can make a big difference in your bottom line in 2015: Automate your savings.  Don’t just take your spare change to the bank on any given Saturday.  That’s what teenagers do.  Instead, have your bank auto-debit your savings at least once a month.  This takes one more thing off your to-do list and before you know it you’ll have a nice chunk of cash put away.  If saving automatically is already a habit, I challenge you to increase what you save each month by twenty-five percent.  I’m a huge fan of CapitalOne360’s online savings program.  It makes saving easy and fun.  Try it here. Track your income regularly.  Most people advise you to track your expenses – and that’s cool too, but I find it

Embrace Your Entire Dream By Tiara Wilkinson

Only recently have I embraced the entire dream that’s been in my heart for quite some time. Before then, I was taking some steps to walk in my purpose.  I had worked through the process of following my passion to identify my purpose. I had researched, studied, and written out ideas and plans. I started a small project to hold myself accountable, I was enrolled in school, and I was more than willing to walk out my dream among family and friends. But I knew that I had to reach higher and work toward more ambitious goals to fulfill what was really in my heart. Everything that I was doing was “safe”. They were comfortable options for me and didn’t require much from me to do. Yet, in order for me to achieve my full vision, I knew I would have to come out of my comfort zone. Part of the issue of embracing my full dream in life stemmed from fear. I was afraid of criticism, of making a mistake, of not being successful, of someone thinking I was trying to imitate someone else, of not re