7 Strategies to Maximize Your Time by Pat E. Perkins

Do you often find yourself overwhelmed by other’s requests? Have you ever used the excuse, “I just don’t have enough time in the day”?

In today’s world, it’s too easy to waste time by distracting emails, text messages and endless social media posts. Time is one of our greatest resources. In fact, it is a gift that if wasted, can never be regained.

Here are seven success and time mastery tips to help you stay focused and productive on what matters most to you. Since we all have the same 24 hours in a day, put your primary focus on what you can master, your own time:

1. Start with an important question: “What is my intention for the day?” Your intention is something you plan to be and/or have today that if you fulfill on this would reap you the greatest return on investment of your time and attention.

2. Clarify your purpose: Why is this intention most important for me today? The answer to this question can provide the motivation you require to carry you through the day.

3. Set your priority: Did you see I didn’t say priorities for the day? Yes, having a list of high value/return actions to accomplish is important. However, this turns into a long To Do list and often is the reason for overwhelming lack of follow through. Choose one priority that provides the greatest ROI for your time right now. Then, choose the next one thing and so on that’s congruent to your intention.

4. Schedule your priority: Put your priority, commitments and recurring activities in existence in your calendar as non-negotiable. One of the ways we allow other people to take our time is because we haven’t already allocated it in to a space on our calendar.

5. Establish clear deadlines: Appropriately estimate the work effort associated to each activity you are committed to accomplishing. I recommend working in time blocks of 30, 60 or 90 minutes at a time. This concentrated focus will allow you to get real about the amount of time it takes to bring a task to completion. We often underestimate what there is to do; then, rush to get it done. You can avoid this by setting deadlines and sticking to them.

6. Learn to Say No: No is a complete sentence! You’ve heard this before, but do you practice it. Women tend to say Yes to most requests made of them. We don’t want to let others down. Honestly, it’s the Superwoman syndrome. We want others to think we can do it all. Give that up! Remember, we teach people how to treat us.

7. Celebrate your accomplishments: Take a pause to acknowledge yourself and reflect on your daily, weekly and monthly accomplishments. Incorporate a Wins & Accomplishments Journal to capture your greatness. This will remind you who you are. Reading a quick win will spark a memory and put a smile on your face to help you keep advancing!

“Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One (wo)man gets only a week’s value out of a year while another (wo)man gets a full year’s value out of a week.” ~Charles Richards

Find out more about Pat at www.PatEPerkins.com
Twitter: PatEPerkins


  1. Thank you this was very helpful.

  2. The seven strategies was a interesting read for me. It gave me clarity on what I need to change. Also on what I am already doing in my everyday life.
    For example how I put everything in my calendar. Which helps me to keep ontop of my priorities and goals.
    I realized a long time ago that I can only live one day at a time, and by meditating daily it helps me to accomplish what I need to do for that day.
    The biggest take away for me was #6. I have been practicing on myself for sometime now.
    I realize I have a hard time saying No.
    I don't like feeling like I'm letting someone down by saying no. This has been one of my biggest challenges in life.
    Today #6 gave me clear understanding that I need to give that up.
    Although I have been working on this. I find myself sometimes slipping back into that mode.
    Going forward this will help me to at least ask questions before agreeing to over-commit.
    This will also show my leadership and communication skills and allow me to say Yes to what matters most.
    Also #7 will help me to remember to reward myself and help to help me remember;
    My schedule must include time for me.
    Making myself a priority will give me the ability to refuel for bigger and better opportunities.
    I will always acknowledge myself for a job well done and be gentle with myself.

    Moving forward I will have a better mindset to think productivity over perfection.

    I will make myself a priority first, then be clear about what accomplishments reap the highest return for the investment of my time.
    Finally, I will set appropriate boundaries so that I am focused on who and what matter most.��


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