BOSS Member Spotlight: Laverne Amara

Laverne Amara is a dedicated Project Manager, accomplished loctician, and the dynamic force behind NVLX Labs - a premium haircare collection tailored for locs, accessible on Amazon. Driven by a passion for empowering others, Laverne utilizes her expertise to foster success and encourage development across her professional and entrepreneurial endeavors.

What were some obstacles that you faced in the beginning process of starting your business or career? Launching NVLX Labs alongside maintaining my full-time career presented its difficulties. Additionally, navigating the financial constraints continues to be a significant challenge. However, through careful planning and unwavering determination, I am convinced that any barrier can be overcome.

What inspired you to break into your industry? In 2014, when I became a loctician, I immediately noticed the scarcity of suitable products tailored for micro locs in the marketplace. Through years of serving clients, I repeatedly encountered common issues relating to maintaining healthy microlocs. These experiences provided me with valuable insights, motivating me to develop unique formulas to address their specific needs.

How do you balance your personal and professional life, or have you been able to find a balance? Learning to say no and directing my energy towards activities aligned with my goals has been crucial. Given the limited nature of time, I've learned to target endeavors that hold significance while optimizing time management to support these efforts.

What is an inspirational quote that you live by? "There is no such thing as a hard decision when you know where your values lie." These words are a constant reminder to let my values guide my actions. When anchored by guiding principles and beliefs, I find clarity in making decisions.

Who were some influential people or mentors who helped or encouraged you along the way? My husband is my most steadfast and influential supporter. His unique perspective helps me identify blind spots. He also graciously shoulders extra responsibilities to lighten my load when I feel overwhelmed, all without a word of complaint.

What are your "must-haves" to keep your career or business going strong? Deep tissue massages and comprehensive checklists are my non-negotiable essentials!

What is your definition of a BOSS? A BOSS is an individual who forges their own path with innovation, courage, and relentless commitment.

Provide us with two words that describe you? The Microloc Demystifier

Learn more about Laverne at:




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