Happy 3 Year Anniversary To The BOSS Network
Hi BOSS Supporters,
We are half way into the year and this month we celebrate our 3 Year Anniversary as The BOSS Network. We would not have been able to have the success and accolades without your support. We want to celebrate in style so we are hosting an online party Friday, June 28th, and giving away a big prize on Twitter this month... follow us at @TheBOSSNetwork.
To give you an update of what we have accomplished this year read below:
- Partnered with Doreen Rainey and the Get Radical Conference in Washington, DC
- Hosted a Healthy Heart informational "Meet Up" at Starbucks with BOSS member Dr. Kara Davis
- I became a contributing writer for Black Enterprise for their "Career Development" section: http://www.blackenterprise.com/career/7-days-of-boss-moves-networki...
- Partnered with Black American Princess (BAP) and hosted a High Tea with Project BOSS and singer Michelle Williams
- Partnered with Black Enterprise for the Dell "Small Business University"
- Hosted the Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Conference in Chicago May 23-26
- Featured in Market Watch- http://www.marketwatch.com/story/black-enterprise-celebrates-40-yea...
- Hosted our 3rd Annual "Entrepreneurs Connect" event with Celebrity Comedian Kim Coles
- Featured in June issue of Black Enterprise Magazine page 12&175 (pick up a copy)
- Featured in June issue of Uptown Magazine (pick up a copy)
- Recommended our Business Account Member "Deanna Burrell" for a write-up in Black Enterprise- http://www.blackenterprise.com/career/mothers-day-career-women-shar...
- Over 120 new BOSS members this year (make sure to start connecting and networking)
This is just the icing on the cake and we have 6 more months to accomplish more. Again, thank you for joining the movement and we wish you success in your career and business journey. We are excited about all the plans for our mentoring program our women's business university and more. Please make sure to support and tell your friends to vote for us for the chance to win 250,000 from the CHASE Mission Small Business
Well Wishes,
Cameka Smith, Founder
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