Are You READY for Success? By Dr. Shante Bishop, CEO, Design Her Label

2014 will be the year of the Entrepreneur. As people emerge from the recession, and the economy bounces back, more and more of us are pursuing the path of Entrepreneurship. It’s an exciting time as we imagine the possibilities, the potential, and the paycheck. From non-profits to clothing lines, we are moving steadily towards making our dreams a reality. 

But I want you to stop, and consider this question; “Are You READY for Success?”
In other words, are you ready for your dream to be truly realized? Most of us would say a resounding, “YES!” But more and more I find that with many of the clients I serve, they THOUGHT they were ready, but after months or years of disappointing results, they began to re-evaluate their choices. Too often, entrepreneurs jump out of the gate thinking that because they have a product, ready to sell, that they’re ready for Success. This turns out to be their downfall. Having a PRODUCT is not the same as having a BRAND. Likewise, just because someone has something to SELL, doesn’t mean they have something to OFFER.

Branding is not about the product; it’s about who you are to your audience/customer and the value you give to them. Branding is about how you position yourself amongst others who are doing similar work. It’s about whether or not you are the influencer or the influenced. It’s also about creating a client experience that makes them know, like, and trust you. 

Being ready for Success also means having the pieces in place to make it easy for your audience and the media to find you, understand you, and get clear on what you bring to the table. For example:

o   A Bio – A Bio is not about where you went to school or how many awards you’ve garnered. Its about who you ARE, why you are doing what you’re doing, who you’re serving, and how they can TAKE ACTION with you. 
o   A Headshot – I am always struck by the number of social media profiles I see with camera phone “selfies” as the avatar for their profile. Seriously? This is a NO-NO. If you want to be seen as a premium brand; if you are touting quality and excellence, this has to be carried through in your digital real estate. A professional headshot can be done inexpensively at a mall or with a high-resolution digital camera.
o   Film/Video – I work with lots of clients who are coaches, teachers, or speakers, yet have no evidence of their work, or any footage that will SHOW rather than TELL people what they do. Today, many conferences request links to your speaking footage as part of the evaluation process for speaking at their event.
o   Press Kit – A press kit makes it easy for media and others to understand the process for getting in contact with you, who you serve, what you offer, and the value that you can bring to their radio or television broadcast.
o   Domain Email – If you are trying to elevate your level of professionalism, and present yourself as an established brand, an email address with is a must. Yahoo! Gmail, etc. are great, free options, but it sends the message that the brand is still under development.

Being ready for Entrepreneurial Success is about so much more than products and services. It’s about elevating your platform to a level of visibility and distinction that is undeniable and unmistakable. It requires consistently giving value to your audience and earning their investment. Are you ready?

Dr. Shanté Bishop helps diverse women entrepreneurs find the courage, clarity, confidence and conviction to pursue their passion, build multiple revenues, and increase their visibility by launching a successful brand.  Get access to Shanté's FREE Video Training Tutorial at and visit her website


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