4 Techniques To Developing A Schedule that will not interfere with your Children’s Schedule By: Tammira Lucas
a mom is such an important and demanding but rewarding job. When I first became
a mom it was hard for me to get anything accomplished because I didn’t want to
miss anything in the growth of my daughter. There were a lot of times that I
felt guilty for being away from her due to work or having to run my business,
or times when she had activities going on and I would miss them. As much as I would
have liked to be in two places at one time there were times that she could not
attend birthday parties or other events because of my work schedule. I felt
like a bad mom although many assured me that I was not.
part of my child’s special moments was very important to me and I knew I had to
do something to ensure I would be there as much as possible. I had to figure
out how I would balance being a mom, wife, and entrepreneur without falling
short in any of those areas. Along with those titles we all know there’s
always the housework that need to be done, the friends and family that need you
to lend an ear, and also your “me” time. After months of planning, research and
sacrifice I implemented 4 techniques that helped me balance my schedule without
interfering with my daughter’s schedule.
a family Planner. Often we get planners for work or
day to day activities, but what I found that was very effective was getting a
planner that would allow you to write down the entire family activities. This
allowed me to get a great glimpse at not only my week or month but also every
person in my household. When it is time for me to schedule an appointment for
myself or my household I am able to analyze what is going on, what time it is
going on and who is involved. It also helps me with planning transportation or
pick-up for my daughter. Planners aid you in being
able to compartmentalize your life, so you are able to prioritize.
Boundaries- It is important that we learn that we cannot do
everything. We have to learn to say “NO” to some things and understand that it
is ok to say NO. We are already multidimensional as
women, and think that we have to do every thing or be everywhere but the
reality is we can’t. You will run yourself dry of energy and never be
able to be as efficient, as you would like. Also, learn to draw boundaries with
yourself when it comes to business. I am the person that will try to do
everything before I hire an expert. What we are really doing is making things
worse and wasting valuable time that we can be using somewhere else in our
life. So let the expert be an expert and hire out if it is not one of your
Technique #3
Blend activities- It is important that
you give your children your undivided attention. You don’t want them to say my
mom was always working so she could not be at any of my games or shows or she
was not paying any attention so she missed me make the game winning shot.
Instead you want to find time where you can blend your activities with your
child/children’s. For example you have to take your child to ballet practice.
During practice you are not able to sit in the actual class but you do need to
wait for him or her. This is the time you can use to read, send emails, or do
some social media marketing. It is times like this that you can utilize to
blend your activities with theirs.
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