BOSS Spotlight Feature: Monique Wingard

Monique Wingard is a seasoned Digital Media Professional who has held leadership positions with organizations including Ohio University, Jeffrey M Consulting, McDonald’s Corporation, 1871, Black Girls CODE, and Urban Ministries, Inc. She is an advocate of women and youth in STEAM, founder of The Civic Tech Collective and owner of SAVVY Consulting & Communications LLC.

1. What were some obstacles that you faced in the beginning process of starting your business or career?
A major obstacle faced at the beginning of my career was finding positions that paid. I spent a lot of time working for free as an unpaid intern, fellow, or volunteer in order to get experience. While some believe “That’s part of the game.” The reality is that FREE labor does not get the bills paid (student loans.)
...or put food on the table. So like many of my millennial peers, I had to spend some time working in unrelated career fields after college in order to survive financially.

2. What inspired you to break into your particular industry?
I have always aspired to work in public media--behind the scenes. Over time, my aspirations to work in traditional broadcast media spaces has led to opportunities in digital media and marketing. Many of the skills needed to be an asset in tv/radio are also needed to adequately manage the online presence of a brand or company.

3. How do you balance your personal and professional life or have you been able to find a balance?
The ability to maintain balance in my personal and professional life requires me to do self-checks fairly often. Self-care is one thing, but slowing down to simply be still, prioritize my time, life in order to prevent burnout has proven to work better for me. 

4. What is an inspirational quote that you live by?
As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. - Marianne Williamson

5. Who were some influential people or mentors that helped or encouraged you along the way?
My mother, grandmothers, mentor (Tosha Poteete, also known as Tosha Love in Atlanta), Simona Rollinson, Cameka Smith, my NABJ family, and many other friends/women who do not even know that their demonstration of confidence, strength, and purpose inspires me every day.

6. What are your "must-haves" to keep your career or business going strong?
I am a true introvert, so time alone is an absolute “must” to recharge my battery. But I also have to work in some time back home with my family as well. Automation! Any tools that allow me to not always be so hands-on with social media are life-savers. My favorites right now are and

7. What is your definition of a BOSS?
My definition of a BOSS is someone of great character. They walk the walk and talk the talk even when the cameras are off and the “likes” aren’t rolling in. A BOSS embodies leadership and empowers others to find their inner “BOSS” as well.

8. Provide us with two words that describe you? 
Social Entrepreneur

To learn more about Monique:


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