21 Ways to Advance Your Career and Life by Pat E. Perkins

It can be quite challenging working in a career whether you’re in corporate or you’re a corporate refugee who’s started a business. I’ve personally experienced both sides of the scenario and have faced some of the situations you may be facing when you don’t know what to do to advance to the next level.

Even after completing my successful 20-year career and launching a sustainable business over ten years ago, there are proven strategies that I coach my clients to implement to maintain a steady foundation and positive stride.

In service of you and to take some of the concern out of how to continue to maximize your career, I’ve put together a list of strategies you can incorporate, just don’t attempt these all at once. You see there’s not just one secret or one way to advance, but I personally know at least 21 ways that could benefit you exponentially if you choose to take them on within your career, your business or your life.

Here are 21 career advancement strategies I highly recommend you add to your leader’s toolkit: 

1. Do more than what is asked or expected of you.

2. Join an industry organization and volunteer for a leadership position. 

3. Invest in a professional resume and/or career bio…always be ready to shine.

4. Develop an internal bio and send it to highly influential leaders for their review and feedback. 

5. Volunteer to lead or support a highly visible philanthropic event and make it a huge team success. 

6. Obtain a mentor in each of your developmental areas (one is no longer enough). 

7. Develop a professional board of directors made of individuals inside and outside of your organization. 

8. Set up a frequent 1:1 status session with your manager and your manager’s manager to manage up. 

9. Introduce people in your network on a weekly basis…tighten your net. 

10. Set goals and stick to them…make them visible and review daily.

11. Take on or launch a new initiative, project or program – high profile, high risk, high reward. 

12. Develop a Signature Talk based on your subject matter expertise…be known and share your message. 

13. Love what you do…or learn to love some aspect of it. How can you hate your career and expect to thrive in it? 

14. Write industry articles. Start with your company or industry-related newsletter. 

15. Show up at least 5 minutes early for every meeting, conference call or event…set a new standard. 

16. Join Toastmasters or enroll in a communication course…speak exceptionally well. 

17. Learn to listen AND ask powerful questions instead of having all the answers. 

18. Delegate powerfully to your team and allow new leadership to arise.

19. Know the Mission, Vision, and Values of the company by memory. 

20. Pray for your co-workers and clients…yes, even those you don’t like. 

21. Know your numbers…budget, sales, revenue, expenses, etc.

22. Bonus: Make it a point to have fun every day…people love to be around high energy. It’s infectious!

The list could go on…

The bottom line: Take on daily practices to grow and evolve as a leader. It’s your career, choose to advance it!

“Today knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement.” ~Peter Drucker

Find out more about Pat at www.PatEPerkins.com
Twitter: PatEPerkins


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