BOSS Spotlight Feature: Erin Person

Erin Person is a lawyer, mentor, author, and founder of ConnectEO Network, a network democratizing access to business resources and providing collaborative entrepreneurs with a smarter way of doing business together. Erin is deeply passionate about helping others create spaces to build a legacy and close the wealth gap.

What were some obstacles that you faced in the beginning process of starting your business or career? Having a vision that requires skills that I do not possess is very humbling. The lack of coding and developer skillset allowed me the opportunity to find others who had those skills. However, this also required me to take a risk of not having complete control over my product and build trust in others. Building the right team has been a process and a challenging journey. Through this process, I’ve learned what questions to ask, ways to better protect my intellectual property and how to better vet those I am considering to join my team.

What inspired you to break into your industry?
I was inspired to break into the tech space and start my business after having a conversation with my mentor on how I can help close the wealth gap which ultimately impacts the economy, crime rates, and poverty. The interaction with my mentor/professor inspired me to shift my focus away from solely the criminal justice system towards getting involved at the community level.

I started thinking about the impact that lack of wealth and resources has at the community level. After years of exploration, conversations, and research, I decided to leverage my legal skills and entertainment background to create ConnectEO Network as a tool to help legally protect businesses while also democratizing access to business resources in an effort to create ownership and close the wealth gap.

I’ve had the pleasure to work with some of the most influential companies in the entertainment industry and learned that your network really determines your success. Whether it be in corporate America or entrepreneurship, no one becomes successful on their own. We need a community to get us there, and many times, your network is based on your education, socioeconomic status, and location – and for black and brown communities, that network can be very limited. ConnectEO was created to address this issue by helping entrepreneurs of color broaden their networks, create strategic partnerships, and gain access to the resources they need to build sustainable businesses.

How do you balance your personal and professional life, or have you been able to find a balance? My personal and professional life is blended because I am always trying to find solutions to problems and identify ways to make meaningful connections with people I meet and those who are already in my network. This is something I truly enjoy. Additionally, I am still a startup and the hours can be long. I find myself working on weekdays and weekends. However, I protect my mental health and find balance by making time to do other things that bring me joy such as traveling, jiujitsu, dancing, and spending time with friends and family. Also, I am a huge Janet Jackson fan! Therefore, anytime I feel overwhelmed, I do not hesitate to break out a fully choreographed Jackson routine.

What is an inspirational quote that you live by?
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away” – Pablo Picasso.

This quote reminds me to always live with intention and purpose. I’ve authored a guided journal entitled “Create to Create: A journey to Entrepreneurship” because we were all created with a purpose and once we find that purpose, our job is to create. The printed and extended version will be available in Spring 2022.

Who were some influential people or mentors that helped or encouraged you along the way? I am influenced by my personal brain trust. I have a group of women who surround me and only speak life into me and my business. They support my projects, suggest ways to make them better, and celebrate my accomplishments. These are all successful Black women who are doing amazing and inspiring things on their own. Many of them have created successful businesses and do not hesitate to include me in rooms and opportunities for me to succeed. This is the essence of ConnectEO for all entrepreneurs. We all need a brain trust and support to help us grow. I highlight some of these founders in our series entitled A Space to Win. There is more than enough space for us all to win.

What are your "must-haves" to keep your career or business going strong? My must-haves are community, capital, and collaborations.

What is your definition of a BOSS? A BOSS is someone who does not wait for the opportunity but creates it and brings others along to create their own opportunities.

Provide us with two words that describe you? Purposeful Connector

Learn more about Erin at her Website:


  1. I love this and your definition of a BOSS is superb! You're a BOSS indeed.


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