We Are Inspired By This BOSS: Jacquelyn Aluotto

Who is Jacquelyn Aluotto? She's an actress, producer, director, filmmaker, event coordinator, human activist, volunteer, entrepreneur, daughter, sister, friend, fiancé, restaurant manager, and the list goes on. Born in New Jersey, Jacquelyn Aluotto has lived in both urban and suburban settings before finally settling down in Edgewater, New Jersey.

From a young age Jacquelyn knew she wanted to be an actress so she worked hard and enrolled in the American Academy of Dramatic Arts where she studied theater. However the career path Jacquelyn envisioned didn't turn out, but went in an exciting different direction. After a chance meeting with her mentor Sandra Ramos, Jacquelyn began volunteering at her women's shelter and was struck by inspiration. Listening to the harrowing stories told by the battered women she asked herself what could she do to help them more. An idea formed, she was going to document the women's stories and what they had to go through by filming them in their natural setting in the shelter.

Through film people would be able to understand exactly the hardships these women had to endure. That is when her groundbreaking documentary, "Not In My Backyard" was born. "Not In My Backyard" presents a firsthand view of the perilous lives of the victims of domestic violence. Never before have cameras been allowed in the guarded world of underground shelters. Never one to back down Jacquelyn dives right into her emotional topic, providing the viewing audience with never seen before footage. She tackles a very powerful yet hidden American social issue, abused and homeless women and children.

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Jacquelyn Aluotto set her mind to starting her own company wanting to make films she feels are important.
“I saved $20,000 in quarters to start my company.”

It took discipline to save over $20,000 in quarters one day at a time. It was this money that initially funded her now growing film studio "Pick It Up Pictures." Now that's what you call entrepreneurial spirit. The name of her studio has a special meaning, it was born with the idea that every single one of us needs to be held accountable when it comes to making the world a better place. "I grew up poor, but my mom always taught us the idea of treating others the right way, and we were constantly performing random acts of kindnes,” says Alutto and she continues “My early years were not easy, and some would say I had a very rough life but I wouldn't change it for anything. It has made me who I am. I want to help change the world and make a difference.” That is why creating "Pick It Up Pictures", and making socially conscious films are so important.

Come meet these BOSS "Influencer" honorees, at The BOSS Network's "Influencers" event on November 10, 2010 in in New York, NY. You can register for the event here. Come out and be inspired!


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