Starting a Jewelry Line With Basketball Wives LA, Malaysia Pargo

Every now and then we like to bring the best in conversations from Entrepreneurs and Corporate Professionals who are making a difference, starting a new venture, or who simply have an amazing story to share on The BOSSNetwork Twitter Channel; #BOSSChat.

This week we had the pleasure of interviewing Mom, Wife, Fashion Executive, Business Owner, Malaysia Pargo @styleingrace of Basketball Wives LA, who is launching her first Jewerly line titled Three Beats @Three_Beats

The Jewelry line is set to launch 11.11.2011 and you can learn more at .  We decided to bring you an excerpt of the interview for your reading enjoyment. Until next time, know that you have the power and ability to achieve your heart’s desire.

The BOSS Network: Malaysia Pargo @styleingrace Walk us through your career path. How did you get to this point? #BOSSChat

Malaysia Pargo @styleingrace :I did some modeling, videos and styled athletes and wives. I’ve always been big on accessorizing.

The BOSS Network: Jewelry for kids is a great idea. What is the best advice (career/personal) you've received about this business? #BOSSChat

Malaysia Pargo @styleingrace :The best advice I received is to have a great team. Your team will either boost your success or cause you to fail. Successful women have a BOSS squad behind them. I love it! A #BOSSSquad or team is necessary for success when building your empire. No man or woman is a one person Island. Build your team ladies and hold everyone accountable. #BOSSChat

The BOSS Network: Great point. I don't think enough women realize the importance of a strong team! What do you do to stay on top of your game professionally? #BOSSChat

Malaysia Pargo @styleingrace :My hubby is a professional athlete and watching him taught me the importance of being competitive. I work hard because I know that’s what it takes to win. Knowing how to compete and maintaining balance is important #BOSSChat

The BOSS Network: What advice would you give to a budding Entrepreneur or Professional woman? #BOSSChat

Malaysia Pargo @styleingrace :My brand manager Halleemah Nash (@halleemah) told me once that "without balance success is an empty reward". Success is great but family is number one. I also believe in speaking positivity. Take "Can't" out of your vocabulary. My perspective is; if life is a prison; I always say its a prison of your own making! Don't limit yourself! #BOSSChat

The BOSS Network: What does being a BOSS mean to you? #BOSSChat

Malaysia Pargo @styleingrace :BOSS means knowing you can have it all. I'm walking in Gods purpose. I’m a mom, wife, business woman, and I’m fly all at the same time.

The BOSS Network: Final question and I must say it's been a pleasure. What can everyone look forward to in the near future from you? #BOSSChat

Malaysia Pargo @styleingrace :A lot more with my jewelry line Three Beats(@Three_Beats) launching tomorrow 11.11.2011, and maybe some style editing or my return to modeling. No limits #BOSSChat

Learn more about Malaysia Pargo new venture follow them on Twitter: @Three_Beats


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