We’re excited to announce the recipients of the 2024 Invest in Progress Grant, a collaborative initiative by Sage and The BOSS Network . This partnership has seen Sage commit funding over three years to empower small businesses with the resources they need to thrive. The selected recipients stand out for their dedication to community, entrepreneurial spirit, and a desire to grow their professional skills. Each will be awarded a $10,000 grant and gain access to a year-long monthly mentorship program through BOSS Business University. This online platform is designed to provide the tools and knowledge necessary to successfully launch or grow a business. The partnership, in its third year, received almost 12,000 applicants nationwide. This year’s winners also feature four members from each of the Divine Nine sororities—including Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated; Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated; Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated—the National Pan-Hellenic Council, In...
March is officially “Women’s History Month” and it seemed only right to highlight some amazing women who represent leadership, and support the BOSS mission. This list is compiled of women who I respect for taking 100% responsibility for their destiny and striving to be change agents for the next generation of young women. We salute them and you should too… just follow them on Twitter to be a part of the greatness. You can also follow me @MsCityGlobal and let’s continue to make history one BOSS at a time. @aliahPR Aliah Davis, Founder of PR-Diva.com and Aliah PR http://www.aliahpr.com @AnikaKai Anika Jackson, Founder of AnikaKai Events http://www.anikakaievents.com @authenticnoise Antoinette Arnold, Authentic Noise PR agency http://www.authenticnoise.com @SmBizFinance Antonina Geer, Founder and CEO of Simplistic Financials, LLC. http://www.simplisticfinancials.com @artdeal Artiatesia Deal, Creative Principal at ArtDeal Designs http://www.artia...
2019 is coming to a close and it seemed only right to highlight some amazing women, who represent leadership, excellence and support the BOSS mission. This list highlights businesswomen, who inspire us by taking destiny into their own hands. They are leaders and change agents for the next generation of bosses. We salute them in all their greatness as they continue to make BOSS moves. Follow these bosses ! Bernice Jackson @ riseofdarkdawn www.riseofdarkdawn.com Brittney Applegate @BrittApplegate www.brittanyapplegate.com Cassandra Bell @ CassandraBell www.cassandrabellstudios.com Chante Moore @IAmChanteMoore www.chantemoore.com/ Christal Luster @christalluster www.christalluster.com/ Cosette Yisrael @luvinstitute www.luvinstitute.org Dawn Kellly @PRMAVEN17 www.the-nourish-spot.business.site Deborah Allen @ladydeballen www.prophetessdeborahallen.com Dr. Syleecia Johnson @dygmanagement www.drsyleecia.com/ Erika Summers @erikasumm...
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