3 Heart Truths for Busy Women

As a lawyer and small business owner, I understand how easy it is for us as women to push past fatigue, aches, and pains to do what needs to be done but we must take care of ourselves. Even First Lady Michelle Obama has been extremely vocal about taking time to pamper yourself and recharge. As Miss Black Georgia USA 2012 I am honored to join the national Miss Black USA family as a spokeswoman for the Heart Truth campaign. With National Wear Wear Day behind us we must take the same excitement and energy to move our friends, sisters, and mothers towards recognizing the signs of heart disease and living healthier lifestyles to prevent this silent killer from taking over our community.

Heart Disease
- Is the #1 cause of death in women REGARDLESS OF RACE OR ETHNICITY
- Signs can start as year as teenage years and are accelerated by obesity
- Took 300K lives in 2008 with breast cancer being the 5th leading cause of death taking 40K lives.

Here are three easy ways you can de-stress your life and move towards a healthier heart and a healthier you:

1. Affirmations- Never underestimate the power of speaking positivity and success into your life. Outline your goals, have your affirmations already in mind. As you shower, eat lunch, sit in traffic take a moment to speak these affirmations hear them come from your lips. This will not only keep you focused on your goals but work out any stress that you may have resting on your mind.

2. View Yourself as a Business- Businesses have holidays and hours of operation and SO DO YOU. Require others to respect your life and be very up front about what time is for your family and yourself. Some of the world's most successful CEOs take off a weekend each month with no phone no nothing to just recharge! If you constantly make yourself available someone will constantly make themselves your priority. Set a schedule, block out a day, or even just a couple hours where you are the priority!

3. Give Back- Although we all know the saying, "You never know what someone else is going though."when we get caught up in the stressors of life we often forget how real this is. Volunteer at a shelter, a nursing home, an after school program. MAKE TIME TO GIVE BACK. Put it in your schedule. Many employers encourage community service and have projects you can join. If not give just one hour of your week to someone else. Helping others not only feels amazing but also places our stressors in a completely different perspective.

Find out more about heart disease in African American women at the following

If you or your organization would like to host a Heart Truth luncheon or event to learn more about heart disease or to learn more about my journey as Miss Black Georgia USA become a fan

For more information on the Miss Black USA pageant


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