Workshops for Entrepreneurs & Personal Transformation

RADICAL Personal Transformation Intensive: Friday, August 17 

There is no greater satisfaction than setting goals and aspirations that align with who you are and then moving past your barriers, obstacles and challenges to see the results you truly desire.

This day is packed with information on her coaching process that will show you how to develop holistic techniques, strategies, insights and habitsthat deliver the RADICAL results you want in every area of your life.

You'll learn 6 major concepts to position you to achieve your meaningful goals. 

·  Identify your true purpose and passion,
·  Understand what it means to "Get R.A.D.I.C.A.L."
·  Clarify your goals, establish priorities and create an action plan.
·  Bounce back from setbacks, disappointments and challenges.
·  Deal with limiting beliefs and inner gremlins that keep you in doubt and fear.
·  How to maintain support and accountability when creating RADICAL Success.

Learn More & Secure Your Seat
Now is the time for you to stop letting the "F" words - frustration, frazzled, fed-up and fear - stand between you and your success. And when you enroll by July 30th, you'll receive 2 special bonuses: 

Bonus #1 - Three "All Access Q & A Calls" with Doreen to stay on track with your plans, strategies and actions steps. You'll get the accountability and support your need to implement your 90 day plan.

Bonus #2 - Instant access to Doreen's 7-Day Ecourse: RADICAL Confidence 
We're truly excited to get this valuable information into your hands so you can learn how to totally shift your business and transform your life.

So, are you ready? We'd love to see you in August for this small group intensive.



  1. Your post was make me impressed, you've discuss everything for personal transformation, even everyone could read this post they also satisfy. Brilliant post keep it up.


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