Six Tips for Promoting Your Business on Facebook

As of 2012, there are over one billion Facebook users. How many of them could be your next client?

Chances are you have a personal Facebook account. That's great for connecting with friends, relatives, and finding new social connections. But as an entrepreneur, if your paying prospects are hanging out on Facebook, you are missing an opportunity without a Facebook Page for your business.

When choosing to set up your Facebook business page, here are six ways to get it right:

1. Connect Your Page to Your Blog/Website

Presumably, your business has an online presence elsewhere - a website, blog, or some such. On your site, it's a good idea to set up a link to your Facebook page and vice versa. This allows visitors to your site to easily connect to your Facebook page. And your Facebook friends can easily find your website (you can do this by adding a link to your website in the Basic Information section of your Business Page).

Facebook is known as a familiar network where people can interact one on one. Giving clients and prospects the option of finding you on Facebook gives your business a personal touch. Another key to making connections is being able to offer your clients the ability to share your information.

2. Content

It's a good idea to have a plan as to what you are going to say on your Facebook page. Your page's content is the information you present to your clients and prospects: Make it interesting, relevant and fresh so that people will stay when they visit and return for more content. Need a few ideas for what to share? Your blog posts, invitation to events, quotes, links to helpful tutorials or books, images, your clients sites and fan pages.

AVOID THIS - Do not post to Facebook like you post to Twitter. Facebook is more visual; make sure your links to posts have images as opposed to twitter where it is just 140 characters. Yes you can automate your Facebook posts with tools like Hootsuite, but the last thing you want to end up with your Facebook page looking like a Twitter stream.

3. Interact and Engage

If lead generation is the intended outcome of promoting your business using social media, interaction with your clients and prospects is one of the main cogs in the wheel that get you there. To encourage interaction, you'll need to have applications (apps) and content that engages readers. These include things like contests, games, and special offers. By creating apps for your page your information has the potential to "go viral" and reach many people quickly.

Tip: Allow people who like your page to post comments and respond to your posts. Read only Facebook business pages are like a cold shoulder. It may require some monitoring but the opportunity to engage on your page is a great way to build community.

4. Give Stuff Away (Not Everything Though)
Interactive or not, business professionals generally agree that giving away freebies is a great way to promote your business. If you give away a few high-quality freebies, then your fans will be likely to purchase your higher-quality items or products you're selling. There are several formats your freebie can be delivered in: a checklist, free report, template, downloadable audio, access to video or exclusive interview are just some examples.

5. Advertise
Facebook ads are easy to create and relatively inexpensive. Facebook allows you to target your ads to your particular demographic. You can use key words from Facebook users' profiles to ensure the ad will appeal to your audience. This can save you time and effort, and really get your message across to your target audience or market. And with the new ability to promote specific posts, you can really target the content, target, and offers you to advertise.

6. Let Your Brilliance Shine
These days, individuality and authenticity are in. You can use your personality and your own individual approach to promote your business. Pictures, jokes, humor, video, stories, quotes...Don't hesitate to capitalize on your best ways to express yourself, what makes you, you!

Are you on Facebook? List your Facebook Fan Page in the comments section. Here's the link to the Launch While Working Page: 

P.S. Here's the link to the private Launch While Working group: 

Learn More About Tai Goodwin At @TaiGoodwin


  1. strongly believe that focusing on your Facebook page content is the most important. It’s the lifeblood of your page. If you have something new or fresh, interesting and informative to tell to your viewers, your page will always stay at the limelight. You will get more visits and your fanbase will grow even more.

    *Staci Burruel

  2. “Let Your Brilliance Shine”---If you’ve noticed, humorous content are so eminent these days. Post something that is witty and amusing, and for sure, your customers will love you for that. This will also serves as a great opportunity for your business to draw in potential clients. Humor is fine and all but all should be in context. There are boundaries when it comes to wit and humor. Make sure that you are not offending anyone in any way or this move -- may be your last.

    Parker Murillo

  3. These were just six factors, but they are the exact things that social media marketers must always consider. Facebook is widely used for marketing now, but some don’t really know how to manage this platform. In that case, this blog is certainly the answer to all their doubts and questions regarding the use of Facebook. Thanks for this; it helped me also. :)

    -- Emilia Loza


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