F.O.C.U.S. By Deborah Gray-Young

F.O.C.U.S.  Follow One Course Until Successful.  Rev. Run (@Revrunwisdom) Tweeted this a couple of months back and it struck a chord with quite a few people including me.  It was re-tweeted some 1500 times.

We are all aware by now that we passed the half way mark of the year two weeks ago.  For some of us it was a glaring reminder of how much calendar had gotten away from us and the need to get back on track immediately.
No doubt it is sometimes a challenge getting back on track especially if you have several ideas swarming around in your head bumping into each other. When that happens,  F.O.C.U.S. is excellent advice.

Following one course until successful means focusing your mental energy and efforts on your end goal; making every step you take count towards that.   If you want to be a lawyer, you probably shouldn’t be entertaining cosmetology school.  That’s just a delay tactic that has high potential to side track you.

Following one course is also the quickest route to accomplishing your goal.  Your thought energy is focused and what you focus on increases.  Synchronicities become more obvious and more frequent.  Synchronicities are what one might call coincidences; when the people and resources start popping up almost like magic to help further you along your path.  Except there are no coincidences.  Author Valorie Burton calls it “divine choreography”.  It’s a wondrous thing when you are consciously aware of it.

F. O.C.U.S.  works best if you are absolutely committed to your goal, passionate about it. When I consider the times I was at my best and what conditions contributed to that, I was focused solely on that goal with almost tunnel vision.  I permitted nothing to distract me and it was such a great feeling of accomplishment when I reached my goal.  It is the anticipation of feeling that again that fuels me.
Take a moment to review and assess your goals and decide which to focus on.
Need help sorting it out?  One criteria might be considering what excites you the most.  What do you have the most ideas and energy around?  Laying it out is always helpful.  It will allow you to see the possibilities and the questions that need to be answered.

Identify the steps and tasks you need to take.  Use the AIM SMART approach. (see YOU 3.0 post of February 25 (http://www.coachdgrayyoung.com.)
Working with a coach will enhance the effects of F.O.C.U.S. even more.
Focus your way to successful accomplishment of your goal.  Don’t forget the importance of surrounding yourself with encouraging support that will hold you accountable to yourself.
Drop me a note and tell me about your F.O.C.U.S. approach.  Feel free to share any advice or helpful tips.   In the meantime,
Think and believe forward.

Empowering question of the week:  How will you F.O.C.U.S. on your ultimate goal?
for your quick reference, the steps to a SMART plan approach


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