We Are Inspired By This BOSS: Tanya Winfield "Top 6th Finalist - Season 15 - NBC’s The Biggest Loser"
Tanya Winfield beat out 250,000 prospective contestants to
become one of the last six finalists on season 15 of NBC’s weight loss reality
show, The Biggest Loser. Winfield – a top fan favorite – may not have
won the big check, but she’s won something even more valuable: she won a new,
healthy lifestyle that has changed her life forever.Her journey and her story
has inspired millions to begin fighting for their own healthy lifestyle -- and
she couldn’t be more thankful.
Winfield is the first to admit that her experience on the
show was a far cry from the lifestyle she’d grown accustomed to as anyone can
get. Often referred to as the “people’s champ,” throughout the season, Winfield’s
impressive 87-pound weight lossadvanced her to the final week of the
competition as one of the last six contestants competing on the show.
Initially, her drive and determination to not let obesity
win made her a top fan favorite; but her vulnerability --when she opened up and
shared the innermost details of her life -- was a turning point in her journey
that only deepened her connection with viewers across the nation who witnessed
her breakthrough.
Winfield’s raw recollection of her gruesome, childhood
experience at the hands of an abusive, drug-addicted mother and a family who
failed to come to her rescue was a personal tipping point in her journey.The
heartbreaking memory she shared with her trainer on the show also became known
as “The Most Inspiring Moment” in Biggest Loser history.
Winfield’sphenomenal weight loss success is just one more
extraordinary accomplishment that she has already achieved in her life begun
anew.She also earned her first million dollars by the time she was
35-years-old, as an entrepreneur, restaurateur and corporate
leadership/management executive with Fortune 500 companies during her 20-year
tenure in corporate America. Becoming COO of an iconic Chicago franchise is yet
another triumph in Winfield’s life; but all of these achievements are only a
taste of what’s to come for this fearless woman of excellence.
A proponent of quality, empowerment, distinction and now
forgiveness, this teen mother has shed emotional baggage that far outweighs any
lbs she’s lost. Her pride in her personal victories comes in second to her
determination to follow where thisnew path is leading her. Along with plans to release
a cookbook, open healthy soul food franchisesand spin clubs across the nation,
Winfield’s new path is all about sharing her message of hope and inspiration.
Winfield is proud to be a beacon of encouragement, inspiration,
motivation and transformation to anyone who needs a little light to break down
the barriers set up by the mind and often obeyed by the body.
To that little girl who may be thinking she’ll never amount
to anything because of her upbringing; or that young woman who needs a little
motivation to push past the challenges she’s facing in her business; or the
millions of people who don’t believe they can lose weight because “It’s just
too hard,” Winfield’s message is simple, yet passionate,“Lose your emotional
baggage in order to win your life back because you are worth saving.”
Stay connected with Tanya and follow her on Twitter @TanyaWinfield
She is a exceptional & inspiration to all women from around the world.