B.O.S.S. Ladies
by definition are movers and shakers in their world. They are either making things happen or
planning and strategizing to make things happen. I've met some of you and have had the
opportunity to listen in on webinars by others. I know what I’m talking
One of the key things B.O.S.S.
Ladies have to remember to do, says my friend Michelle Gourdine, M.D. is take
care of ourselves. The key to our well
being said Dr. Gourdine, is taking care of our spirit. It is crucial to preventing disease states
that plague Black women disproportionately.
Frankly, I didn't understand the linkage here at first. If taking care of our spirit is critical to
our overall health and well being, then how is it that Black women, who attend
church more than any other group of people, can be so impacted by life
threatening diseases.
Square that for me Dr. Michelle, I said.
“Stress”, she said, “is the culprit.” Then we both had an Aha! moment. Taking care of your spirit is more than just
going to church and having a strong faith.
Aha! moment. Taking care of your spirit is more than just
going to church.
In her book, “Reclaiming Our Health”, Dr. Michelle notes
“Intermittent stress is normal and generally not harmful. The stress response allows us to fight off or
escape from other emergencies requiring quick action.”
“For some people, however, stress is more than an occasional
response to a random threat – it is a way of life. Their daily lives generate a constant stream
of anxiety that never allows the stress response to shut off.”
As it turns out, your body can’t tell the difference between
an immediate short term danger and a long term habit of burning both ends of
the candle. As women, particularly B.O.S.S. Ladies, your stress button can
be stuck in the on position
Stress is catabolic energy, meaning over the long term, it
is destructive. The affects of an always
on stress button are the constant flow of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline
into the body which can lead to high blood pressure, high blood sugar and a
weakened immune system. And the other thing none of us want – premature
When my clients take the YOU 3.0 Energy Leadership assessment, (an assessment that
objectively indicates a person’s anabolic and catabolic energy profile) it is
not uncommon for the results to indicate a tremendous amount of stress in their
Here are some suggestions for taking care of your spirit:
1. Take time for yourself. You must take time to recharge and
rejuvenate. You can’t do a good job of taking care of others if your tank
is empty. Create stress busters –
mini quiet breaks that let your mind rest.
Also, take your vacation.
Whether you work for a company or for yourself, there is almost
never a good time to take vacation.
Plan it, plan for it, and take it.
2. Just Say No!! How often do you find yourself over
extended with too much on your plate?
Don’t commit to more than you can reasonably do excellently. Just as important is not feeling guilty
about saying no. Protect your time
and your sanity by setting personal boundaries. For example: do not answer e-mails while
on vacation and don’t answer the phone during family time. This will seem impossible at first, but
once you set boundaries and train would-be offenders, this is not as
difficult as it sounds.

Take time for yourself. Just say No! Ask for help! Move!
3. Ask for help. Asking for help is not a sign of
weakness. We all need help at one
point or another. Seek out a
listening non-judgmental ear from a pastor or close friend or a
professional coach. If you think your
situation is more urgent, do not hesitate to seek the advice and counsel
from a mental health professional such as a counselor or therapist. There is no need to go it alone.
4. Walk. Not only will walking help clear your
head, this form of exercise is one of the best ways to counter the effects
of stress hormone levels.
*Source: Adapted from Reclaiming
Our Health, A Guide to African American Wellness: Three Steps to Detoxifying
Your Life; Michelle A. Gourdine, M.D.
So B.O.S.S.
Ladies, as you plot and plan how to take over the world, schedule some time for
yourself in that busy calendar. There is
no one more important to you in your world than you. Take the time to take good care of your
Coach D. Gray-Young, CPC, ELI-MP
Certified Personal and Executive Coach
Connect with Coach D. at www.coachdgrayyoung.com or Follow her on Twitter @coachdgrayyoung
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