BOSS Spotlight: Meet The "Disruptive Innovator” Tara Springfield

What are some of the obstacles that you faced in the beginning process of starting your business?
Creating something out of nothing takes tremendous determination and vision. I learnt that my mind has the power to propel me forward and also the power to hold me back. I had to take control of my thoughts, replace fear-filled negative self- talk, with scripture that affirmed Gods strength working within me.
What inspired you to break into your industry?
TS: Frustration. I was fed up overpaying for hair and beauty products that were low quality and outdated. I could not find the type of products that l wanted to buy, so l invented them.
How do your balance your professional and personal life or have you been able to find a balance?
TS: With three children, two exes and a dog, flexibility has become my forte. I drive my children to school in sweats and a baseball cap, go home and change into business attire and heels all within 45 minutes. My personal and professional life are inextricably fused because l am a mom and I run a corporation. God is with me always so l know he works all things together for those who love him. I am, what l am, by the grace of God.
What is an inspirational quote that you live by?
“Strong women are those who know the road ahead is strewn with obstacles, but they choose to walk it anyway because it is the right one for them” Brenda Hager .
BN: Who were some influential people or mentors who helped or encouraged you along the way?
My amazing business advisor Carolyn Bryson (who is also a licensed therapist) has not only helped me to define and build an air tight business strategy, she has allowed me to vent when something in my life is upsetting me. Sometimes as women we allow rude, disrespectful behavior from others, in fear we might be “over reacting”. Carolyn has taught me to trust my gut and call people out on unacceptable behavior. To stand up for myself and demand respect.
BN:What are my “must-haves” to keep my business going strong?
God.Remaining socially conscious. Maintaining authentic and genuine customer relationships. Building a dynamic community of black woman who can powerfully inspire, motivate and encourage one another. Building a powerful legacy that will grow and thrive well after l am long gone.
BN:What is my definition of a “BOSS”?
A Boss in my opinion is a woman who has the guts and the passion to go after her dreams. She has the courage to forgive and remove negative people from her life that bring her down. She actively seeks out people who will encourage her, believe in her and build her up. She will leave a lasting impression on the world and help many people.
Connect with Tara Springfield on LinkedIn: Tara Springfield and Pinterest: Blackgirlygirlbeauty and learn more about products and services at http://www.
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