BOSS Spotlight: Meet The "Creative Visionary" Kymm Gaskin
TheBOSSNetwork: What were some obstacles that you faced in the beginning process of starting your business or career?
Kymm Gaskin: I faced many obstacles on my path to becoming a hairstylist, but when I started, I knew it wouldn’t be easy. I have always been business minded,so it was never about being just a hairstylist. I was focused on a bigger picture. I wanted to be a business woman. I wanted to excel in the beauty industry. I wanted to inspire others to follow their dreams.I had to develop a strategic plan for myself, so that I could create a career path where one didn’t exist.One of the biggest and most challenging obstacles I faced in the beginning, was encouraging myself to never give up.That was huge for me! There were so many times I wanted to give up because things were not going the way I expected – according to my plan. But what I quickly realized, is that everything works out exactly as it should to put me in place for my next move.
BN: What inspired you to break into your particular industry?
KG:As a kid, I used to love playing with my dolls like any other little girl, but where most girls focus on dressing their dolls – I was fascinated with doing their hair. I remember being glued to my TV as Diana Ross worked her style in everything from Mahogany to Lady Sings the Blues. Each time I saw her in print and screen work, I fell in love all over again with her iconic hairstyles. When my mom became a part-time hairstylist, it really inspired me to pursue my passion. I knew I wanted to make women look beautiful. I would witness their smiles as they got up out of the salon chair. They were happy. I wanted to help other women feel that way.
BN: How do you balance your personal and professional life or have you been able to find a balance?
KG:I have been a stylist and a business owner for over 20 years. It was very difficult at the beginning of my career to balance my personal life and my business. When I started, I was working two jobs and trying to build my clientele at the salon, so I was only getting a few hours of sleep. I had to learn how to focus. I have definitely found a balance and it makes life so much easier. I have been married for 22 years, and my husband supports me in everything I do. He plays an extremely active role in helping make my business journey successful.
BN: What is an inspirational quote that you live by?
“Failure is not an option.”
BN: Who were some influential people or mentors that helped or encouraged you along the way?
KG:My mentor is Master Hairstylist Cory Briggs. His was the first salon I worked in, and he pushed me to another level. He still helps and inspires me today.
BN: What are your must-haves to keep your career or business going strong?
KG:I MUST keep a strong and positive head on my shoulders. I MUST stay ahead of the game.
BN: What is your definition of a BOSS?
KG: A BOSS is a leader. A BOSS inspires, promotes positivity, is strong willed, and never gives up. A BOSS is not afraid to take the next step toward success. A BOSS wants to help others be successful.
Connect with Kymm Gaskin on Instagram @kymmscreations Twitter @kymmscreations and learn
more about her products and services at
more about her products and services at

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