The Power of Being You! By: Shamieka Dean

I used to think the key to being successful was having tons of knowledge, having a lot of money, or being a part of the right network.I spent countless years researching, following, trying to put into practice what EVERYONE else who had already made it was doing.I kept hitting a brick wall. While I am certainly not against investing in yourself, learning from the best of the best and my circle matching my destiny, I was still missing the key component.This is the key that so many have completely bypassed. We bypass it because we don’t see the real value in it. We don’t understand the power of this key ingredient. We’ve often diminished it because in this world, it can sometimes be rejected. We don’t understand that this is what makes the greatest, the greatest. Sometimes, I call it the #2 key to being successful!

You’re probably wondering, what is #1. I’m glad your inquiring mind wants to know. I don’t mind sharing with you my #1 key to success because it has truly changed my business and my life! I used to actually hide #1 from the public eye. But when I made #1 my #1, my business began to sky rocket! #1 is to make God not just the CEO of your business but the CEO of your life! Who better to be able to tell me all of the right things to do that the one who gave me life and created me for the purpose I’m pursuing! He knows EXACTLY the path I need for success for the thing H created me to do. Go figure!

I mean He did say “Acknowledge me in ALL your ways and I will direct your path.” That made it an easy decision for me because I didn’t have to figure out all of this stuff on my own. He just gave it to me when I asked.

Now that you know #1 key to being successful. Let’s get back to the topic at hand.To be successful at anything else is mastering being successful at being yourself! You’ll never be successful at anything until you’re successful at being you.God can only bless who you are, not who you pretend to be. You can’t expect for people to accept you for who you are when you don’t know who you are.Even in a relationship the first thing we say is I want someone to love me for who I am but how is that possible when they’ve fallen for a fabricated you. How is that possible when you don’t truly love you? How is that possible when you aren’t sure who you are? There are many people that will inspire you and empower you but you should never want to be anyone other than YOU!

You are a trendsetter!

Trendsetters create and transform! They con’t copy and conform! Prince was one of the greatest trendsetters of all time. He reached high levels of success because he broke out of the box people thought he should be in. He created success on his own terms. He did what most were afraid to do and he became a legend in his own right.This is the true essence of reaching unlimited success in any area of your life! This is The Power of being YOU!

People ONLY duplicate things of value and authenticity. If you’re called to impact the lives of others, you’ve ineffective unless you’re offering them you. Your true value is in your authenticity.The person you believed you could be before the world told you that you couldn’t, go back and get her. Love Her! Be Her! BE YOU!

Read more about Shamieka here: of-being- you/


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