Self Care is Necessary by Sharice Bradford

Have you ever found yourself so engrossed in life, work, and taking care of others that you become mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted?  When is there ever time for you to breathe and collect your thoughts?  Most days the answer to this question is that there is no time.  Lack of self-care often leads to stress and illness.  We need to find time to take care of ourselves before we give our all to others.

Lack of self care effects every part of your body.  When working with clients on self care issues I like to use the airplane analogy.  When flying you are told that in the event of a change in cabin pressure, a mask will fall from overhead and you are to put on your own mask before you assist anyone else.  We need to carry this principle through life.

Here are some ways to practice self care:
  1. Review your daily schedule and routine.  What can be eliminated, what can others assist you with and what tasks can be grouped and handled at a later date/time.  For instance instead of cooking everyday, meal prep for the week and cook as many meals as possible on the weekends and freeze them so that cooking time is minimized during the week.  Think of purchasing daily household items in bulk so that you don’t have to make those weekly runs for household items.  This can add more YOU time to your schedule.
  2. Be intentional and unapologetic about your time.  Auntie Maxine (Waters) said it best, “Reclaiming My TIME”.  If Friday from 4-5 is YOUR time, make sure to adhere to that being YOUR time.  Turn off your phone, no social media, do whatever activity YOU want during that time.  Schedule YOU time just like you schedule anything else. 
  3. Ask for help.  If you are overwhelmed and there are others who can help you, ask for help.  If you are married ask your spouse to cook a meal or two a week.  If you are a single parent ask a family member you trust or another parent for an hour of babysitting time.  For work assignments, don’t try to do everything yourself. 
  4. Stop being everything to everyone.  Too often we don the cape of Wonder Woman or and try to do everything and be everything to everyone when we are the ones who are suffering in silence.  STOP IT.  Stop putting yourself last on the list, when you should be first.  
Self-Care is necessary period.  Once you begin to pay more attention to yourself and your needs watch how your life changes.  You will sleep better, and longer.  You will wake up and start your day feeling refreshed and not tired.  You will be more productive and find moments where you can just sit and be still instead of running around like a toddler having a temper tantrum.  YOU must find the time and ways to make YOURSELF a priority.  Why not start today?

Learn more about Sharice Bradford via her website at and follow her on Twitter @CoachSharice7


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