Is there enough room for 2 dreams in a relationship or only 1? by Corvet Williams

I want to turn up the volume on this topic because I don’t think its discussed enough. Many women are struggling with this matter and can use some healthy advice.  I wrote this for those who are entrepreneurs and those with an entrepreneur spirit in a relationship where one person is more established and climbing the ladder of success while the other person is not there yet.

I recently had a conversation with a friend on this topic and how some people feel as though there is only room for one dream in a relationship. I totally understand this topic where I am today, the five years ago Corvet would have a different perspective. Here are the reasons why. When I began my relationship I was still establishing my business, he was already established but needed my experience to organize the business. It was a true fight and struggle for me at first, switching my focus from my business. I realized over time that his business was more financially stable and didn’t fluctuate the way my business was at the time. As time went on, I figured out how to complement the two so I could still do me and work with him.

Second, I didn’t have children five years ago. Now I have a child of my own and step children. This changes the dynamics of how time and money are budgeted. As an entrepreneur, regardless of your relationship status, once your responsibilities change your financial priorities change as well. As the saying goes “It takes money to make money.” When I began my entrepreneur journey as an inventor, I spent 20k just “figuring it out.” Today, there is NO WAY I could afford to make such expensive mistakes. Even though it paid off for me now because I am paid to teach others to do that same process in less time and at a fraction of the cost.

I say all of that to ask, where are you in your process? Are you already established? Are you in the thick of things or just starting out? Where is your mate in their career? Some couples choose to take turns and let one person go to school while the other works. In some cases, one person has to help the other continue to grow their business that’s already established.

I can say this, I think it is BEST (note: there isn’t a right or wrong) to be established before having a family and maybe even a relationship so that who you are and what you do is not compromised for another’s dream or for the sake of stability.

Let’s keep the conversation going. This for sure isn’t the only way to do this and I want us to be transparent about what our paths were to give motivation to one another to realize their dreams in love. Cheers to entrepreneurship, dreams and love. Happy Black History Month and Valentine’s Day!

Learn more about Corvete Williams, visit her at: 
Twitter: corvet


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