Three Mistakes Blocking Your Revenue by Dr. Jena L. Bell

We are just days away from a new year of abundance.  Are you ready to breakthrough and play all out like never before and explode your revenue?  In order to play all out, you must be willing to show up in your brilliance.  

As women, we sometimes unconsciously block our own abundance by focusing on the wrong things or wrong people and in doing so, we mute our brilliance. What I have come to learn is that in muting our brilliance, we block our revenue-generating potential and business sustainability.  

Recent studies show that women represent the fastest-growing segment of new entrepreneurs,  58% since 2007. Women employ over 9.2 million people and generate, get this,  over $1.8 trillion in revenue. But, as impressive as these numbers look, this revenue only accounts for 4.3% of the total revenue from the private sector suggesting, women are capable of generating unprecedented revenue levels, but far too many are still struggling to generate even $100k in their businesses. Without revenue, businesses are not sustainable. Thereby hurting their chances of achieving financial independence for their families.

In studying successful women entrepreneurs and working with clients around the globe, what I have learned is the biggest factor holding women back from achieving massive success has to do with what women believe about themselves! Yes, you got it, it’s the belief systems that hold your revenue potential hostage and lead to these three big mistakes:   

Mistake #1  The Comparison Loop. Comparing your journey to someone’s success and believing tearing other women down is required. 

Mistake  #2  Forgo Syndrome. Forgoing what’s really important to you in order to please others or meet someone’s expectations. 

Mistake #3  Dependency Cycle. Relying on a 9-5  mentality and expecting to achieve financial independence. 

Surprising as these are, the great news is that they are OVERCOME-ABLE! YES, you can overcome these factors by unlocking your brilliance and recognizing who you are, your value and worth.  

Here are my 3 secrets  to unlock your brilliance :

Secret #1 Take Control of Your Time Without having to sacrifice everything that is important to you. Control that which you can control. 

Secret #2 Walk Boldly without worrying about naysayers and other people’s opinions that don’t matter. 

Secret #3 Do What You have been Purposed To Do without sacrificing your value and worth.

Once you have these 3 factors running the way you want, you can begin to unleash your brilliance and turn on your revenue potential. 

Overcoming these mistakes take bold new strategies in 2020  and systems in your business once you decide to play all out. 

Play all out in 2020 and ignite your revenue-generating ability!

If you are struggling in your business and are ready to Play All Out, let’s Connect for a revenue potential strategy call to see how I can best help you. 

Jena L Bell, Mirror Affirmations, International Speaker, Founder, Purpose on the Rise Global Tour, Pathways to Abundance & Living In The Overflow Podcast. Follow at, InstagramLinked-In,  Facebook.


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