How to Go From Unknown to Known In Your Industry by Pam Perry

The currency today is attention. Everything is on speed dial; moving fast in nanoseconds. If you get someone's attention that's the key to getting them interested in your brand, business or book. 

I've been in business for two decades and I know what it takes to build a brand. But trust me, it does not happen quickly. You want to construct a brand that can be not only recognizable but trusted, preferred and recommended. 

Here's my "checklist" of some of the things that you must do to go from unknown to known in your industry:

1. Go to trade shows and conferences in your industry. Be seen. Network. Have great marketing materials to share.
2. Sponsor events.  Yes, quit asking for sponsorships... go and sponsors events where your target audience would notice you. Be a giver - sponsor charity events; take out ads in church bulletins. Yep. Old school. But it works. 

3. Blog.  Don't roll your eyes. The reason why blogs work is that it keeps you top of mind and top on google. You have to have your SEO going and blogging does that with RSS power. Blog with video too!
4. Write and distribute press releases.  You should have something to pitch to the media at least once a quarter.  Getting press can bring you visibility and name recognition plus credibility. Get to know the media. Follow them on twitter. Retweet them. 

5. Join associations. Become involved. Join The BOSS Network and come to their events. Volunteer to help. Be a "go-giver." 

6. Serve on a Board.  Yes, the Law of Reciprocity will be in effect. Very affluent people serve on board. Learn how to serve and you'll get noticed. 

7. Testimonials. If you're good at what you do, ask your clients and customers for endorsements. Ask them to record a video and put on your website and ask them to do a review on Google. 

8. Public speaking.  This is where you'll shine.  Don't worry about getting paid - just show off your expertise and brilliance. Take not on how people respond. Serve first. 

9. Joint venture. Collaboration is better than competition. Find a colleague in your field and host an event together - either online or in-person. Be resource. 

10. Write a book. A GOOD book and promote the book with a podcast series. If you are worth your salt, you should have a lot of content to share - and it'll pick up steam the more you share your knowledge. 

Remember, givers, get. So give your best to the world and the world will notice you and give the best back to you. 

Pam Perry is an award-winning communications professional. She teaches and mentors authors, speakers, and entrepreneurs on how to build a platform and attract major media and publishing contracts. She is also the publisher of SPEAKERS MAGAZINE and co-founder of Digital Business Acceleration. Download her free PR Mini-Course at


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