Brand Refresher 101 by Felicia Shakespeare

Felicia Shakespeare is a nationally nominated bestselling award Author, Business Podcast Host, Educator, and Entrepreneur. The name of her award-nominated book is You Are Your Brand: Building from the Inside Out.

Felicia is the Founder of A Purpose Driven Woman LLC (APDW).  She shows female entrepreneurs & career professionals how to be successful in business and in life. Her key way of doing so is helping them build their brand by first connecting to their purpose. Her theory is “without a purpose, what’s the point?” In addition to curating the APDW  Podcast, Felicia has curated and hosted her own conference with a reach in Chicago | Atlanta | London. She was nominated for and became the winner of the Global Woman 2020 Inspirational Award. 

I think it’s important to understand what a personal brand really is. When we look back on the historical definition of a “brand,” a personal brand or branding is the aspect of marking an individual in a particular kind of way to be known for something. Like some individuals that are naturally gifted singers or athletes, what branding does is sets them apart based on skills, talents, and unique attributes. When someone is naturally gifted in an area it appears that these individuals use little effort to no effort to perform on a level that the average person can not. And just the same,  when it comes to your personal brand, you represent the distinct and personal characteristics of you and that is simply enough in its purest sense. But here is where the ordinary meets extraordinary. In order to garner a level in life that is fulfilling and to become the absolute version of who you can be you have to strive to become the best you.  As I stated in my book, You Are Your Brand: Building From the Inside Out, in its truest essence, a personal brand is the way one represents themselves to the world and the way the world recognizes you. A personal brand is one that has been established by ourselves, as a representation of ourselves to the world and how we are viewed by society as a whole. This definition assures us that there is some type of control we have in this paradigm (framework). We have to make a decision that we will.

Learn more about Felicia at  Twitter: @iamfelicias


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