BOSS Spotlight Feature: Cassandra Hill

Cassandra Hill is a Holistic Wellness Influencer, Life Coach, Best-Selling Author, and Speaker. After overcoming systemic lupus with a regimen she developed; Cassandra birthed Holistic Living Consulting. Her mission is to transform the health and well-being of black women. 

What were some obstacles that you faced in the beginning process of starting your business or career? Initially, when I started Holistic Living Consulting the biggest hurdle, I faced was lack of capital. Watching business trends, I noticed the decline of in-person shopping and e-commerce becoming increasingly popular. Therefore, I decided to make Holistic Living Consulting a virtual wellness company from day one. This was a challenge competing with so many other companies in the online space without having sufficient revenue for marketing and advertising. 

What inspired you to break into your industry?

After being diagnosed with systemic lupus my life trajectory shifted. Health care professionals recommended a treatment plan of chemo drugs and steroids that left undesirable results. Taking courses in health & wellness I gained so much knowledge on taking care of my physical and emotional health. Once I entered remission it was my calling to serve black women who neglected their health while attempting to build “success.” 

How do you balance your personal and professional life, or have you been able to find a balance?

When working in corporate work/life balance was not my strongest asset. Now I realize that keeping a healthy mix is essential to my long-term success. Balancing your personal and professional life is very doable. 

  • Add responsibilities carefully

  • Communicate your needs

  • Pay attention to your body’s signals

These are just a few pointers in creating a healthy balance between your personal and professional life. 

What is an inspirational quote that you live by? Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 

Who were some influential people or mentors that helped or encouraged you along the way? No woman is an island. There have been women who inspire me to keep running the course like Pam Perry, Lisa Nichols, and Beverly Walthour.

What are your "must-haves" to keep your career or business going strong? Honestly due to my personal experience of living in dis-ease, my must-have is keeping my body healthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Another must is being in alignment with the plan God has given for the business. When making business decisions I rely on His guidance to keep the business on track. This really has been valuable in ensuring that I serve the women I am called to serve.

What is your definition of a BOSS? A BOSS woman is someone who is 





Living in a world where most people follow the crowd it takes a bold woman to walk in the path God has for her life. As a BOSS she takes pride in herself and seeks to deliver outstanding work whether it is in her career/business. The world has sold the myth that a BOSS is all about the follows, likes, etc. however being a BOSS requires the humility to serve others. Life will bring many peaks and valleys no one expected the world to shut down in 2020. The BOSS woman savvy ways empower her to think creatively giving her the fortitude necessary to push forward despite challenges. 

Provide us with two words that describe you? Wellness Influencer

Learn more about Cassandra at Website

Twitter @cassandrahill80


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