Pivoting To Change by Andria S. Hudson

Andria S. Hudson is a rising voice for this generation. She is a passionate and powerful keynote speaker, author, and life coach providing wisdom and counsel to help leaders win in life. She is the CEO of Andria S. Hudson Enterprises and has been featured at the Black Women's Expo, The Word Network, and many national and international media platforms.

“10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year!” Whether you’re celebrating at home privately with family or with a large party or at a church service, this infamous countdown is heard across the world at 11:59pm on December 31st. When the clock hits 12 midnight on January 1st, humankind has officially crossed over from the old year into a new year. It’s quite a miracle when you think about it; how one has the divine opportunity to start a new beginning in a wrinkle of time. One minute changes everything. Change? It’s a word that many of us fear while others are susceptible to the idea of changing. Change can be unsettling. Some of us would prefer to disassociate ourselves with changes no matter the situation surrounding them. Implementing change requires responsibility and maturity.

A new year will be different if you decide to do things differently in your life. Doing things differently requires change and change requires a new way of thinking. New York Times best-selling author and speaker, Joyce Meyer stated that where the mind goes the body will follow. Let’s pause and look at our lives- spiritually, relationally, financially, and mentally. You are the sum total of your thoughts and whether you’d like to admit it or not, a new year doesn’t automatically guarantee a new you. Often times I’ll see social media posts saying, “this new year better treat me right.” Cute but inaccurate. You have the power to shift your year and not the other way around. Lifestyle changes are good such as eating healthier, exercising, drinking more water, etc. Yet, if we want 2022 to be a game-changing year, it’s going to take pivots of change.

Let’s briefly discuss two significant pivots of change that we can embrace for this new year.

We must acknowledge that change is happening with or without us. There are some changes that will happen beyond our control. Although we would love to halt the hands of time we cannot. Aging will happen with or without your permission. However, accepting that some changes are inevitable is a significant pivot. As a life coach and spiritual mentor, I interact with women who are afraid of body changes. No one wants to see wrinkles or gray hairs when they emerge. Yet allowing the fear of uncontrollable change to control you can be detrimental. It’s best to accept what you cannot control and still pivot. Find the beauty of changes and keep a heart of gratitude that you’re alive to experience them.

Secondly, we must not neglect to feed ourselves. The more you give out, the more replenishing you need for the future. What are you putting in your eyes? Your ears? What’s stirring your soul? What’s challenging your way of thinking? Change and growth take place by the books you read, the people you meet, and the conversations you listen to. Change is change and it’s ready for you.

Learn more about Andria at www.andriashudson.com Twitter: Lady_Andria


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