Coming Full Circle by Rhonda Turner

Rhonda Turner is the CEO of The Rustic Brush, and Owner of The Rustic Brush – Memorial and Pearland locations. She is also a 29-year veteran Sergeant with the Houston Police Department. Rhonda empowers women by cultivating new entrepreneurs to become business owners and realize their dreams.

I have always had a love for art. Growing up, I designed my "dream house" with a very sophisticated 6-car garage with a see-through ceiling and under my swimming pool. Yes, take a moment and let your imagination bask in that imagery. I enjoyed reading manuals and taking the puzzle pieces of a project from randomness to completion.

In 2021, I was planning my retirement and started looking for a business to transition to. Later, that year, my sorority sisters (AKA Sorority, Inc) decided to hold our line anniversary at The Rustic Brush – Galleria studio. I was bogged down with life and thought I could not fit it into my schedule. However, that voice deep down inside which I know was the Holy Spirit, keeps nudging me to go. I finally registered and after arriving, I was reunited with my love of creativity. I knew immediately why the Holy Spirit kept nudging me to go...I had found my second career after retirement.

I began researching The Rustic Brush and settled on retiring and building a studio in the San Antonio area. However, I never found a house or studio I was comfortable with. Then one day, in early January 2022, a coworker suggested I stay in Houston with my aging parents. I initially planned to commute between the two cities, but he gave me something to consider. That same day, another coworker, who had not talked to the first coworker, echoed the first coworker almost verbatim. I paid attention then as I believe God confirms His word. So, I inquired and learned that Corporate was in the process of selling the Memorial location. I immediately entered into negotiations.

That was Tuesday, January 4, 2022. I remember it vividly because on that Friday, January 7th, my dad unexpectedly died, and my world halted. Though, in that stillness of heartbreak, confusion, and utter sadness, I had joy. For I was then able to see the plan of God for my life. I realized why He made me go to that event. I understood why I could not find a home or studio in San Antonio. I was cognizant of why He sent 2 people to echo each other. Through the pain of my father’s death, I still had peace; and that kind of peace only comes from knowing that God has the master plan.

When I resumed negotiations, the hand of God was in it as well and I became the new owner of The Rustic Brush – Memorial. Fast forward to February 2024, God blessed me yet again to purchase The Rustic Brush Franchise. I believe that life has a way of coming full circle and I have done just that in loving art as a little girl to mentoring entrepreneurs in the field of art and creativity. I am very thankful and excited about the future expansion of The Rustic Brush Franchise and what God has in store as I continue to come full circle.

Learn more about Rhonda at

Instagram: @therusticbrushmemorial


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