Becoming an Effective Communicator in 2024 by Felicia Shakespeare

Felicia R. Shakespeare is a TEDx and Global Speaker. She has graced stages in person and virtually around the United States, in Paris, France, and London. In 2022 at the London Global Woman Summit, she was invited to moderate the panel; The Rising Young Female Entrepreneur. Interviewing the Winner of The Apprentice UK Harpreet Kaur among several other influential women for the panel, Felicia has shared this same stage as a speaker with the likes of Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup For the Soul), Kim Kiyosaki (Rich Woman) and many more. Felicia is also a 5 X Bestselling Author and has been nominated as Author of the Year Finalist for her book project You Are Your Brand; Building from the Inside Out! (Small Business Category) after the book was less than a year in print.

Felicia is the recipient of multiple prestigious awards including; the Global Woman Inspirational Award, the Global Woman Honorary Award, the FWD Award (For Women and Diversity), the WNBA Chicago Sky Redefine Possible Women’s Leadership Award, and more. Felicia is recognized as a “Transformational Educator” for her collaborative work and her “joyful connectedness,” Felicia gets joy by inspiring others to be intentional about living.
Becoming an effective communicator is essential to forming healthy relationships in all spectrums of life; personally, professionally, and in business. Communication is the cornerstone that leads to our stability and success in every aspect of what we do. Without proper or “effective” communication, it becomes difficult to articulate a vision, overall expectations, or goals to ourselves first and also to others around us. As we embark upon a new year we must focus on three things to excel in communicating effectively..The first of these three is being fully present….

Being fully present and less distracted is when you intentionally make undivided focus a significant part of your efforts. We are living in a world that is FILLED with potential distractions all the time. As individuals we have so much fighting for our attention on a day-to-day, minute-by-minute basis, Even as I write this article one of my family members is watching various Youtubers on their television (and I’m in the room), I literally had to get up and move to another part of the house to finish the content for this write-up to concentrate. I can’t watch this while preparing this article and expect to have something of quality to share with the readers.

It’s not that many things are bad, they are just bad for us at different times when we want to be fully present to achieve a particular outcome. That is why we have to learn how to live a balanced life. For example, using social media is NOT wrong in and of itself, but how much time I spend just “consuming” content on social media platforms is what turns into a problem and takes away from what I am supposed to focus on. Remember this; “Too much of anything is too much!”

When we don't focus on being fully present we prolong the ability to complete things and if we are honest we start to become less effective in some way. Now you may say who will know? (YOU will). When we are not fully present we are “not” giving something our all! We’ve all been guilty of trying to multitask while in a conversation with a family member, friend or coworker. How many times have we had to ask them repeatedly, “What did you just say” or “Can you say that again or repeat that” to make sense or context in the discussion because we just were not fully present. Or how many times did you have to rewind a show you were watching? I can go on and on about how not being fully present impacts our efforts, actions, and activities when we are not “all there.” We must become “very intentional” about monitoring this type of distracting behavior if we want to achieve the success that we so desire. I’ll end it there… for now!

Coming up next time; “Setting clear boundaries around our time.”

This is the “effective communication” series. Connect with Felicia Shakespeare:

On her website @

On social platforms:

@feliciashakespeare: LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, or @imafelicias on X

Subscribe to her Youtube Channel @feliciashakespeareTV


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